The Invisible Man Artist - Liu Bolinart

Chinese artist Liu Bolin is known as the "invisible man" and the "human chameleon" — One very close look. See him? Liu has gained international fame for his photographs, which usually feature him painstakingly painted to blend into street scenes or other complex backgrounds.

The work takes hours, with assistants painting the most intricate details onto Liu's body and clothes, all while the artist tries to remain perfectly still. But Liu's extreme dedication to his craft has paid off. His artwork regularly fetches five figures, and one (a photo of Liu painted into a mural of Chinese dragons) even sold for $250,000.

Liu himself describes what he does NOT as blending into the background, but he explains it as letting the background, the place, take over him, and blend with him, taking into himself the spirit of the place. So he is not trying to hide, but surrenders himself to the place itself.

The Invisible Man Artist - Liu Bolinart

Shared by : Peter Hilder