They both achieved internet stardom overnight, and now they've teamed up together for a photo shoot. The 'real-life Russian Barbie doll' Valeria Lukyanova and 19 year-old Anastasiya Shpagina who will be known to many as the 'Anime Girl' recently got together for a photo shoot in Japan.
2. World's tallest man meets world's shortest.
He PingPing, the world's shortest man, died in 2011 at the age of 21. Here, we look back at when he met the world's tallest man. Sultan Kosen, 8 ft 1 in (246.5 cm), welcomes the shortest man in the world, 2 ft 5.37 in (74.61 cm) He Pingping, to his native Turkey.
3. World's tallest dog meets world's shortest.
Standing worlds apart, 2 Guinness World Record holders come together as Gibson, a harlequin Great Dane who was the world's tallest dog in 2007, measuring an incredible 42.2 inches (107 centimeters), meets Boo Boo, a long haired Chihuahua — who stands merely 4 inches (10.16 centimeters) high — smaller than Gibson's head. Both bred in America, the 2 celebrity canines united to celebrate Guinness World Records Day 2007.
4. World's tallest model meets short model.
Eve, a US model measuring 6 ft 9 in (about 205cm) is the cover of Australian men's magazine Zoo Weekly. This beauty appears on the cover of the magazine's recent issue alongside a 162cm-tall Australian model. "No other magazine has put a woman who's nearly 7ft tall on the cover," editor Paul Merrill said. "We had her bikini specially made, but it was worth it."
5. World's tallest horse meets smallest one.
She may be standing in the shadows but one little horse is reaching heights of her own. At a mere 17 inches, the miniature brown mare known as Thumbelina takes pride in the lofty title of the World's Smallest Living Horse. Her companion, Radar, is a Belgian draught horse with his own big claim to fame - as the World's Tallest Living Horse.
6. World's shortest man meets shortest woman.
Chandra Bahadur Dangi and Jyoti Amge were born 54 years and hundreds of miles apart in different countries, but it was their height that brought them together. Dangi, the world's shortest male, and Amge, the world's shortest female, met for the first time in 2012 with a little help from Guinness World Records.
Amge, who lives in Nagpur, India, was named the shortest living woman at 24.7 inches on Dec. 16, 2011, just after turning 18. Dangi, 72, stands at 21.5 inches tall and was crowned the shortest man in Guinness' 57-year history in February. Prior to the announcement, the record-holder had never ventured far from his remote village of Rhimkholi, Nepal.
7. World's smallest man meets woman with world's longest legs.
Standing at just 2ft 5in high, He Pingping, from China, was officially named the smallest man in the world in 2008. Svetlana Pankratova, meanwhile, owns the longest legs in the world, which stretch to 132cm.
Mr. Pingping barely came up to Ms. Pankratova's knees at a bizarre photoshoot held to mark the launch of the 2008 Guinness Book of World Records. But the pair seemed rather happy in each other's company as they posed for photos on Trafalgar Square's steps in central London.
8. Albino lizard meets melanistic lizard.
Albino & Melanistic Eastern Blue Tongue Skinks (Tiliqua scincoides scincoides), two very rare animals in one shot. Photo by Shannon Plummer, 2010.
Shared by : K.G. Gopalakrishnan